I have been in search of some more South African books for kids. We have read some good stores like the Jafta series by Hugh Lewin and Lisa Kopper ; The Special Fig Tree by Elixabeth Andrew ; The gift of the Sun by Dianne Stewart and Jude Daly , One Child One Seed by Kathryn Cave , Books from The Little Library Series , The Everything there is a Season by Jude Daly ,Kudalaladala by Niki Daly ; Papaniki by Edna Quail ; and my personal favourite Not so fast Songololo by Niki Daly.
This week I heard Gcina Mhlope interviewed at the Early Childhood Education conference on storytelling and young children. I have had the privilege of experiencing Gcina tell a story and it was indeed a brilliant experience. But I love what she had to say on telling and retelling stories. Two things stuck out for me. Firstly all children love stories. As a mom of four and a teacher to many, I know this is true. How can one reach the minds and hearts of a child - well one way is through the telling of a good story. The other thing she said was that anyone can tell a story. It is not about being like this person or like that person but it is about using your own gifts and personality to tell the story in your own personal way. I just loved this idea and encouragement from one of South Africans best known and great storytellers.
So, in my search I stumbled, as you do , upon this fun and worthwhile site. Have a look and see for yourself. What a glorious find :)
Bookchat. South African Children's Books
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